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 Scientist I, Prime Medicine Inc.
       Genetic Hearing Loss

 Scientist I, Homology Medicines Inc. and Oxford Biomedica Solutions
       Analytical Development - NGS/Genomics

 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington
Supervised by Ed Rubel and Dave Raible
   Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center
   Department of Otolaryngology
Studied the molecular mechanisms underlying hearing loss and protection.
- Set up and optimized a mouse cochlear explant tissue culture system.
- Designed, optimized, and performed IHC in mouse, chick and zebrafish tissue.
- Conducted high resolution in vivo and ex vivo microscopy.
- Performed dose response and protection experiments.
- Worked on the small molecule otoprotectant, ORC-13661.

  Graduate Research Assistant, University of Washington
Supervised by Tim Cox
   Department of Oral Health Sciences
   Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Studied the genetics underlying midface dysmorphology in mouse models.
- Designed and conducted PCR, qPCR, RNAseq, molecular biology experiments.
- Conducted bioinformatic analysis of WGS, RNAseq.
- Maintained and coordinated mutant mouse colonies.
- Acquired and analyzed 3D μCT scan renderings.


Oral Biology
    University of Washington
    Penn State
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    Penn State

Fellowships & Awards

   Bloedel Scholarship
     Northwest Auditory and Vestibular Research Meeting
   Postdoctoral Traineeship
     UW Auditory Neuroscience Training Grant
   Predoctoral Traineeship
     UW Oral Health Sciences Research Training Grant
   Science Communication Fellowship
     Pacific Science Center
   Top Scholar Award
     UW Graduate School


Sigma Xi, AWIS


Camci ED.  Mechanisms in Midface Development and Dysmorphology. University of Washington, 2016. Supervised by T.C. Cox.

Davis SN, Wu P, Camci ED, Simon JA, Rubel EW and Raible DW, Chloroquine kills hair cells in zebrafish lateral line and murine cochlear cultures: implications for ototoxicity. Hearing Research 395, 2020.
Kitcher SR, Kirkwood NK, Camci ED, Wu P, Gibson RM, Redilla VA, Simon JA, Rubel EW, Raible DW, Richardson GP and Kros C. ORC-13661 protects sensory hair cells from aminoglycoside and cisplatin ototoxicity. JCI Insight 4, 2019.
Vora SR, Camci ED and Cox TC. Postnatal ontogeny of the cranial base and craniofacial skeleton in male C57BL/6J mice: a reference standard for quantitative analysis. Frontiers in Physiology 6, 2016.
Aneja D, Vora SR, Camci ED, Shapiro LG and Cox TC. Automated detection of 3d landmarks for the elimination of non-biological variation in geometric morphometric analyses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2015.
Cox TC, Camci ED, Vora SR, Luquetti DV and Turner EE. The genetics of auricular development and malformation: new findings in model systems driving future directions for microtia research. European Journal of Medical Genetics 57, 2014.
Rolfe SM, Camci ED, Mercan E, Shapiro LG and Cox TC. A new tool for quantifying and characterizing asymmetry in bilaterally paired structures. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS), 2013.

Conference Proceedings
Camci ED and Cox TC. Early changes in morphology relevant to craniofacial research in C57BL/6J mice, Bruker Americas MicroCT Users Meeting 2013.

Camci ED, Wu P, Simon JS, Raible DW and Rubel EW. Differentiating mechanisms of aminoglycoside toxicity in mammalian cochlear hair cells, 2018 Northwest Auditory and Vestibular Research Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2018.
Camci ED, Rolfe SM, Hassan MG, Kircher M, Fu T, Lacourse M, Cunningham ML, Shendure J and Cox TC. New mouse models for investigating the pathogenesis of midfacial hypoplasia., 1st Seattle Children’s Hospital Craniofacial Center Educational Retreat. Seattle, WA: Seattle Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, 2013.
Camci ED and Cox TC. Early changes in morphology relevant to craniofacial research in C57BL/6J mice, Bruker Americas MicroCT Users Meeting 2013.

See PDF for poster abstracts and service.